On Sun, Jan 01, 2006 at 07:16:44AM +0000, Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
> klik://xara-latest
>   You may have heard of this formerly closed source producing company,
>   which provides a vector drawing program for Windows. Well, now they
>   are trying their luck with open sourcing their flagship product Xara
>   Xtreme, and seeking the cooperation of the Inkscape folks. This klik
>   package uses a precompiled binary from the vendor (in *.bz2 shape)
>   and converts it into xara-latest.cmg. (Some Xara demo/sample files are 
>   also included with the klik package; you can open them by navigating 
>   to the somewhat unusual location /tmp/app/[number]/bin/Designs/ -- 
>   Don't ask!)

Note this is a technology preview rather than the full Xara product.
The full product release will include the source code afaik.

> klik://inkscape-latest
>   Bryce will love that! Main input file is a Debian Sarge package from
>   http://honk.physik.uni-konstanz.de/~wolfi/inkscape/sarge/ . Unforch,
>   this is not really "latest" -- the guy who builds the binaries does
>   not update tooooo often.
>   So, Bryce, if you can point me to a place on the net where there are
>   weekly or nightly updated .debs (or .rpms/.tgzs) of Inkscape builds
>   I'll modifiy the klik recipe with great pleasure to use these and
>   provide more current Inkscape goodness to the world!   ;-)

That'd be in the 'Development Versions' section of this page:


We no longer provide nightly RPMs (apparently people who want bleeding
edge stuff are using non-RPM distros), but there's a nightly autopackage
and of course the tarballs are there too.  

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