On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 12:48:02AM +0000, Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 January 2006 01:50, Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
> > On Monday 02 January 2006 23:58, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> > > On Sun, Jan 01, 2006 at 07:16:44AM +0000, Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
> > > > klik://xara-latest
> > > >   You may have heard of this formerly closed source producing company,
> > > 
> > > Note this is a technology preview rather than the full Xara product.
> > 
> > Yes. And as such is has not yet the real editing enabled. It is only a
> > viewer AFAICS.
> >
> > > The full product release will include the source code afaik.

I just got word that there's been some more delays in the official
source code release for Xara, however they've begun doing regular
nightly binary builds.  See the Xara devel list for details.

> > > > klik://inkscape-latest
> > In any case, by next weekend we should see again an up-to-date 
> > klik://inkscape-latest working that uses your nightly builds.
> OK, we have a first klik://inkscape-latest recipe that utilizes the 
> autopackage inkscape nightly builds.
> Bryce -- congrats to your current achievements with Inkscape! It was
> really interesting to play with the "0.43+devel, built Jan 4 2006" 
> version :-)  -- A funny "about" dialog you have -- really bleeding 
> edge graphics  :-)

We liked it.  :-)  That was actually the winner for the about screen
contest for the 0.43 release, but unfortunately we didn't have the SVG
source for this about screen in time, so we went with the runner up and
pushed this one for 0.44.  (Boy, speaking of encouraging user
involvement - the users loved being able to contribute the about screen;
we had a TON of submissions to the contest.)

Btw, have you tried putting Inkscape SVG into an XHTML file and viewing
it in Firefox?  I've noticed quite a few users playing with this
capability right now (i.e., I'm fielding a lot of questions about it).
Quite cool.  Go Firefox!  :-)

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