On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 10:14:50AM -0800, Brooks, Phil wrote:
> > How do I decide which desktop environment and widget set to use for
> the
> > Linux port of my company's application? 
> A follow on to that question is:
>   What limitations do I impose on my customers by choosing that desktop
>   environment and widget set?

Good point.  I've added this as a follow on for the original question's

If you (or anyone else) have some further ideas on this question, please
go ahead and add them to that page (you'll need to sign up for an
account - I don't want to make it too easy on the wiki spammers).

> I also think that this sort of full frontal assault on the desktop is
> going
> to be a very difficult sell.  Linux desktop should work most to enhance
> the marketshare in areas that are an advantage.  Those areas seem to be:
> 1) Technical workstations/renderfarms - (i.e. designers, engineers,
> artists)
> 2) Mass deployment    (i.e. stores, schools, etc)
> 3) Extreme low cost         (i.e. Linspire, developing countries, etc)
> So then the most important question would become "What ISVs that
> currently
> aren't on Linux would be most attracted to those marketplaces?".
> For example, it will be a lot easier to convince Autocad to do a Linux
> port if they thought they could get incremental revenue by competing on
> the platform with Linux/Unix based CAD tools.
> It would be a lot easier to convince Adobe to do a Linux port if they
> thought the could get incremental revenue from animation artists doing 
> work on Linux render farms.

I've added these thoughts onto this page:


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