On 10/12/06, Jeremy White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But my summary was this:

  It takes a lot of hard work to create a Desktop product for Linux
It doesn't and it has been proven a dozen of times.
Of course, if you expect the full blown professional version of Photoshop to be ported in under a year, you are very naive.
How long did it take to create the windows and mac version? A few months? I don't think so.
Creating good software takes a lot of hard work on any platform.

  The Linux Desktop Market, such as it is, is tiny
Not that tiny to never have any sales.
But at the moment it might be that the develoment costs outweight the possible sales, that's true.

  Even worse, that market is highly fragmented
    (Yes, it really does matter to an ISV that there is
    Ubuntu, Red Hat, SuSE, and on and on; yes, they are
    'close', but this isn't horseshoes).
No it does not matter.
You just supply the third party libraries with your package or you tell the user what he/she needs to have.
How is this done on Windows or Mac? Is everything they need installed already? I don't think so.

  It's virtually impossible to do a credible QA job
    on a Linux Desktop product, because there are too many
    different configurations of Linux 'in the wild'.
Good software developers can deal with this and I'm sure Adobe will be able to do so.

  Similarly, it's very difficult to provide credible customer
    support to the Linux Desktop market.
Because of the different systems?
How many different Windows systems are there? 2? 3? Thousands?

  And all that for a market full of people who would really rather
    your product was Free, and in the final analysis, are rather
    reluctant to part with cold, hard, cash.
Ohh come on. That is just not true.

What does strike me is that Chris (from Adobe) clearly insults developers working on Linux.
Maybe he had to deal with some conflicts about Linux in the past and that might have turned him against Linux.
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