On Wednesday 11 October 2006 19:56, Hubert Figuiere wrote:
> Eric Buttler posted a reply:
> http://eric.extremeboredom.net/2006/10/08/265

I found that reply positively embarrassing to anyone connected with Linux, 
open source software, or even those of us who just use it to get stuff done.

It seems as though the vast majority of people really are truly clueless as to 
what is required in creating a desktop OS that can be called one whole, and 
just what ISVs require to port anything. I mean, even if Adobe do create a 
Linux desktop port, how does Adobe package it up and how on Earth is anyone 
going to install it? Anybody think of things like that?

Where are the development tools?

What licenses do I have to buy for development tools? Yes - ISVs *will* ask 
that question.

Where are the stable libraries I use on the platform, akin to the Win32 API on 
Windows, or are there separate libraries that all have completely different 
looking interfaces? By that I don't just mean having libraries at a desktop 
level, but libraries with the same kind and style of APIs for doing all 
manner of things throughout the OS. And by 'APIs', no I don't mean just 
throwing out a CLI command and 'parsing' the 'stuff' that comes back. Many 
programmers in organisations with lots of servers and desktops to deploy on 
will ask if you can do things remotely as well.

How does someone install, and configure, a piece of software graphically? This 
is a desktop, right?

Will all those interfaces stay sane and compatible for any period of time?

What can I at least guarantee to my customers that it will work on? How can I 
support it if the interfaces are there but the implementations are all 
different? The last point is relevant to something like the LSB. People want 
a set of known and set binaries they can build against and use. Heck, even 
doing that can be difficult enough. Anything else is useless, no matter how 
many test suites it's been through.

Where's the online documentation for doing all of this?

Tick the boxes on most of this and you also start attracting people who write 
'free' and open source software on Windows as well. By doing this you also 
start to attract a wider userbase.

Criticise Microsoft all you like, and I personally think Adobe are slitting 
their own throats in the long run, but Microsoft provide all that - for all 
the ways in which they inexplicably screw many things up that should be good.

The only part of something like xdg-utils I would find even remotely 
interesting is that it is at least the start of an API that programmers can 
use beyond what they have in the desktop 'boundaries'. You're not just 
programming within a desktop environment, but within an operating system.

However, all of these things have seemingly got lost in a world where 
'standards' can solve absolutely everything and where political correctness 
over 'desktop neutrality' rules rather than actually solving anything. Heck, 
functionality isn't even being pushed forwards. All that's happening is that 
'standards' and interfaces are being built on top of things that perform 
exactly the same function in order to provide something that looks uniform.

Let me tell you something about 'standards'. They're very useful in that 
people have recommendations as to what they should be using and doing, and 
why. However, 'standards' that really only use standard interfaces but have 
different implementations become very problematic for people, particularly 
when they approach any complexity. This applies to things like the LSB or 
ODF. Don't believe me? Just ask Mr. Torvalds about ACPI or EFI.


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