These changes have landed, please update your B2G main repository.  I've tested 
these changes, but please let me know as soon as possible if you see anything 

Please update your B2G clone to grab a copy of the updated helper scripts which 
understand the new manifest repository layout.

A couple of things to note:

1) I've left the old b2g-manifest branches in place temporarily to ease the 
transition.  As a result, changes to b2g-manifest need to be double landed.  
I'm happy to help with this.

2) The interface to functions as it did before.  There are two 
environment variables that are now read:
  BRANCH, default value 'master' -- this variable lets you specify which branch 
of the b2g-manifest repository to look for the manifest on
  GITREPO, default value 'git://' -- this 
variable lets you specify where the b2g-manfiest repository lives

3) For those who use repo directly, you should switch the device you want from 
the -b parameter to the -m parameter.  This is because we no longer have one 
branch for each device, we now have one branch for all devices and named xml 
manifest files per device.  Example:

 This command:  ./repo -u git:// -b otoro
 becomes:       ./repo -u git:// -b master 
-m otoro.xml



On Sep 13, 2012, at 11:57 AM, John Ford wrote:

> NOTE:  None of the content of the manifests will be changed by this, just how 
> we invoke repo.
> On Sep 13, 2012, at 11:55 AM, John Ford wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In order to improve the way we branch B2G, we want change how we store b2g 
>> repo manifest files (mozilla-b2g/b2g-manifest).  There is currently a branch 
>> for each device and those branches contains a single default.xml file 
>> describing the manifest file.  The change is to have a branch for an overall 
>> project branch (think Android's jellybean, donut branches) and use named xml 
>> manifests for each device on those branches.
>> Because the script is not managed by repo, your copy of 
>> mozilla-b2g/B2G needs to be updated.  The plan is to leave the old 
>> default.xml files and branches in place for a little while to avoid 
>> interruption.  To make sure we don't have issues with manifest files 
>> diverging, we will remove the old default.xml files and branches after a 
>> reasonable amount of time.  If you use, this change should be 
>> invisible to you.  If you use repo directly to manage your tree, you should 
>> start using the -m flag with repo init to refer to the device you want.  An 
>> example would be 'repo init -u git:// -b 
>> master -m emulator.xml'.  Once you've initialized a repo tree, you don't 
>> need to pass the -m flag to sync it. 
>> Please let me know as soon as possible if you have concerns that aren't 
>> addressed.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> ========
>> If you haven't updated your B2G repository before the old manifests are 
>> removed, you might see error messages that look like the following:
>> $ ./ otoro
>> Get git://
>> remote: Counting objects: 277, done.
>> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (124/124), done.
>> remote: Total 277 (delta 88), reused 252 (delta 65)
>> Receiving objects: 100% (277/277), 35.64 KiB, done.
>> Resolving deltas: 100% (88/88), done.
>> From git://
>> * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
>> * [new branch]      m4-demo -> origin/m4-demo
>> fatal: manifest 'default.xml' not available
>> fatal: manifest default.xml not found
>> ERROR: repo sync failed 
>> Or if you use repo directly:
>> $ ./repo init -u git://
>> fatal: manifest 'default.xml' not available
>> fatal: manifest default.xml not found
>> This is a sign that you need to update your B2G clone.

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