The thing there is that the *config setting* is correct, "inari" there works for both the actual inari (testing) devices and the ZTE Open (ikura). The generated builds only work on one of them, though, based on what device your backed-up /system files come from.


Chris Mills schrieb:
Hi guys,

Feel free to pass corrections to me to implement, if needed. I wrote the 
current docs as they are because I was told the ZTE Open would work with Inari 
B2G builds. Let me know what is wrong and needs updating.


Chris Mills
    Senior tech writer || Mozilla || MDN || @chrisdavidmills

On 30 Dec 2013, at 07:38, Daniel Roesler <> wrote:

So should the MDN page be changed to the correct config setting?
On Dec 29, 2013 4:04 PM, "Robert Kaiser" <> wrote:

Daniel Roesler schrieb:

On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 7:24 AM, Robert Kaiser <> wrote:

2) To prevent misunderstanding, please do not call them "inari" as that
name is used for a slightly different (testing-only) device on which
builds will not work correctly (just like the builds for the inari do not
work correctly on the ZTE Open) as the kernel modules are different. The
code name for the ZTE Open is ikura, so that probably makes sense to be

These are technically inari builds, since the command is "./
inari". This is the configuration recommended for the ZTE Open in the
wiki[3]. So, I suppose you could flash these builds to your true inari
device, but I don't have one of those so cannot confirm if it works.

The "inari" build configuration can be used to generate builds for the
inari (testing device) as well as the ikura (ZTE Open) - but the resulting
build only work on the one whose kernel etc. you used for building. I know
it's confusing, but that's what it is. I ran into the same kind of issues
when trying a build generated for inari on a ZTE Open and found out it does
not work correctly (it boots but e.g. wifi isn't working) - I'm pretty sure
it's the same the other way round.

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