On 1/9/14, 5:26 PM, Chris Mills wrote:
Hi all,

Hope you are having a good start to 2014!

One of my first tasks this year is to restructure the Firefox OS zone on MDN 
(https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS). There is some good content on 
there, but it could really do with the flow of content and structure improving. 
I have started to devise a plan at


If you have any feedback about what could be improved on the Firefox OS content 
zone and what you think of this plan, please let me know, by responding to this 
mail, or writing your feedback into the “FEEDBACK SECTION” near the bottom of 
this doc. It’s at an early stage, but I reckon a bit of restructuring will 
really sort this out.

Best regards,

Chris Mills
    Senior tech writer || Mozilla
developer.mozilla.org || MDN
    cmi...@mozilla.com || @chrisdavidmills

Hey Chris,

Your etherpad is a start. However, there is a bunch of work needed to get a good structure for the docs going forwards.

I took action a few weeks ago to work on this. Unfortunately, I got side tracked quickly into trying to fix things rather than trying to document the mess as is. As far as an outline, this is as far as I had gotten:

Landing page
  (pictures and redirects to sections or to other sites)

  * Define Firefox OS as both a *project* and an *OS*
  * Current status
      * 2013
      * 2014 plans
  * This site is for: $audience_list
  * Other resources (also, resources for $non_audience)

The Firefox OS Project
  * Mozilla -teams
  * Android project (via codeaurora.org)
  * Device makers (?the new alliance?) (e.g. QCOM)
  * Device assemblers (e.g. Alcatel)
  * Device distributors (e.g. Movistar)

The OS
  * Overview
  * Detailed architecture of the pieces
      * ...

  * Overview
      Build Types: Device, Emmulators, Desktop
      Build components: Android tools, Profilers, Output Dir, Images
      Feature support chart
      The build process: workspace, goals, steps
      Caveats: disk size, network bandwidth, compile times
  * The workspace
      Uses (build, code w/repo, code w/ git)
  * Pre-reqs
  * Configure
  * Build
  * Run?
  * Install
  * Customize

Using the build
  * Screenshots
  * Remote Debugging
  * Profiling (and memory usage)
  * Remote control of a device

How to file bugs
  * These docs
  * App Manager, Simulator
  * FF Responsive design View
  * FF Developer Tools
  * Gaia Apps
  * Gecko on Gonk
  * The build workspace

Developing Firefox OS
  * Working in the workspace
      * repo in the workspace
      * git in the working dirs
      * linking in separate working dirs
  * How to contribute: Gaia, Gecko/Gonk, Gonk, Docs...

  * ZTE Open
  * Alcatel OneTouch Fire
  * ...

So that's not much better than your etherpad. Its not comprehensive yet, it does not flesh out any of the topics, and does not consider what else is needed. This view adds, compared to your etherpad, the idea of discussing the 'Project' and its 'community' which are important to outsiders and for building a community (although that may not be something this project wants or wants enough to invest in).

However, while working on the docs and thinking about the various users, it became clear that we should at least try to do better than the current build system. So, in the last few weeks, I have been trying to get a handle on the build. I spent a couple of weeks hacking a bash script framework to manage a Firefox OS 'workspace'. The framework allows for a number of 'phases' (e.g. bootstrap, configure, build, run, install, configure) each of which might have a number of stages. Thus we could do:
  fxos setup
and get the result attached to this email. (Really, it just tells a user what their machine needs for the different parts of the build, i.e. what is needed in the bootstrap.) The script framework should make it easy to isolate the code that does stuff from surrounding code that documents what has been done and what is needed. These days I am wrangling with repo and git and the various workspace configurations which are possible, (i.e. repo mirrors, single branch clones, shallow clones, group based manifests). I still have a ways to go on this but it might eventually get somewhere.

It seems, from the general silence on the dev-b2g list, that there won't be much help coming from there. So we will have to invent a semantic structure to Firefox OS itself that we can then document. Unfortunately, since most of the details are over our heads, our readers will suffer from our lack of understanding. Technical debt begets more technical debt.

From inside Mozilla, it would be of use to find out from recent hires working on Firefox OS what information they found they needed to become effective contributing. There's surely a lot that passes by word of mouth.

Also, I have *no idea* about any of the runtime scripts in the B2G project: what they do or what tools they work with. So the whole 'using the build' section is out of my league. I suspect the tools should really have been part of some separate project but are only part of the default build because that was the path of least resistance and there was no mechanism for optional inclusion.

Finally, I started adding to your etherpad but that work led to this email instead.

Not sure how you want to go from here. Probably this discussion should move to the docs list.

     ___      __   __      __               __     ___  __   __       
    |__  \_/ /  \ /__`    |__) |  | | |    |  \     |  /  \ /  \ |    
    |    / \ \__/ .__/    |__) \__/ | |___ |__/     |  \__/ \__/ |___ 

      ┌──────┤ FxOS Environmental Variables ├───────────────────────────────────
      │FXOS_ROOT_DIR                /Users/acuster/Code/hg/FxOS                 
      │FXOS_CONFIGURATION_TARGET    ~none~                                      
      │FXOS_BACKUP_ROOTED_BOOTIMG   ~none~                                      

      ┌──────┤ Configure phase dependencies ├───────────────────────────────────
      │bash          [ OK   ]  /bin/bash                             
3.2.51(1)-release     (fxos  needs 3.2+)
      │repo launcher [ OK   ]  /Users/acuster/Code/hg/FxOS/bin/repo  1.20       
           (fxos  needs 1.20+)
      │python        [ OK   ]  /usr/bin/python                       2.7.5      
           (repo  needs 2.6-2.7)
      │git           [ OK   ]  /usr/bin/git                    
           (repo  needs 1.7.2+)
      │gpg           [ OK   ]  /usr/local/bin/gpg                    1.4.15     
           (repo  wants any)

      ┌──────┤ Backup phase dependencies ├──────────────────────────────────────
      │adb          [ FAIL ]  ~none~                                            
      │fastboot     [ FAIL ]  ~none~                                            
      │boot.img     [ FAIL ]  ~none~                                            

      ┌──────┤ Build phase dependencies ├───────────────────────────────────────
      │GNU make      [ OK   ]  /usr/bin/make                         3.81 (GNU) 
           (build needs 3.81-3.82)
      │Autoconf      [ OK   ]  /usr/local/bin/autoconf213            2.13       
           (build needs 2.13)
      │Bison         [ OK   ]  /usr/bin/bison                        2.3        
      │Flex          [ OK   ]  /usr/bin/flex                         2.5.35     
      │GCC           [ OK   ]  /usr/local/bin/gcc-4.6                4.6.3      
           (build needs 4.6)
      │G++           [ OK   ]  /usr/local/bin/cpp-4.6                4.6.3      
           (build needs 4.6)
      │CCache        [ OK   ]  /usr/local/bin/ccache                 3.1.9      
      ├──────┤ Library dependencies ├───────────────────────────────────────────
      │ncurses       [ OK   ]  5.7.20081102                          
      │zlib          [ OK   ]  1.2.5                                            

      ┌──────┤ Install phase dependencies ├─────────────────────────────────────
      │adb          [ FAIL ]  ~none~                                            
      │fastboot     [ FAIL ]  ~none~                                            
    PHASE: setup
      The 'setup' phase describes the execution environment of the FxOS 
      and prepares that environment by obtaining the software and libraries 
      for the configuration, compilation, or execution steps.

      fxos setup                describe the 'setup' phase and its usage; 
summarize the execution environment
      fxos setup $stage         describe the preparation of a particular 
operating system platform
      fxos setup $stage --exec  perform the prepration for a particular 
operating system platform

      fxos setup macosx         obtain required binaries for OS X
      fxos setup debian         obtain required binaries for Debian
      fxos setup ubuntu         obtain required binaries for Ubuntu

    Global arguments:
      -h --help                  same as 'info'
      -c --compact               more space efficient presentation

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