On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 6:56:17 PM UTC+2, Daniel Roesler wrote:
> <rant>
> I'm not disappointed at all in ZTE. This phone is dirt cheap, so what
> can you expect for support? For $80, I definitely expected to be
> hacking constantly to get it working.
> The one I am very disappointed in is Mozilla.
> The ZTE Open is their flagship phone and there are many more of them
> out there than any other Firefox OS phone. If developers got a bad
> taste from that device, they would like write off Firefox OS as a
> flop.
> I expected Mozilla to be hacking right along side us, but it's almost
> as if no one at Mozilla even owns a ZTE Open or can confirm that the
> problems we are experiencing since 1.1 even exist.
> Why should I have to file a bug report about the reboot loop issue?
> This is a blocking bug that prevents app developers (for the most
> popular phone) from upgrading to more recent versions. Not only should
> it have existed, it should have been marked as critical.
> Also, why do we have to download Eduardo's modified boot image (thanks
> for that, by the way)? There should be a build patch/script that
> unpacks and modifies the ZTE official boot.img to get a compatible
> boot.img.
> Anyway, extremely disappointed in Mozilla. The lack of developer
> support for the ZTE Open will probably be the poison pill that kills
> Firefox OS's momentum.
> </rant>

AFAIC Daniel is 100% right though ZTE's secrecy on everything regarding this 
stupid phone which *they* marketed as a developer phone on eBay is plain 
idiotic. Where is the partner?
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