On 6 Feb 2014, at 22:01, Daniel Roesler <diaf...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Hey Daniel, in the compilations is available for 1.3 Is there any I can use?
> Not if you have upgraded to the 1.1 ZTE firmware. The boot.img used in
> the available download is based on the old 1.0 ZTE firmware, and I
> can't seem to build a nightly (with or without the old custom
> boot.img) that doesn't do the reboot loop. See
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=965180
> I will not have time to troubleshoot for a few weeks, but if you can
> reproduce the bug, I would love to have someone help troubleshoot
> since no one at Mozilla has a ZTE Open.

I’ve got one, and would be happy to help troubleshoot. I’ve not attempted to 
update it yet (I use my Keon mostly.)

Chris Mills
   Senior tech writer || Mozilla
developer.mozilla.org || MDN
   cmi...@mozilla.com || @chrisdavidmills

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