I had this same problem with the v1.2 and v1.3 (maybe nightly as well) images 
from the geeksphone site.

Recently I built mozilla git master w/ gecko and gaia checked out at v1.3 and 
it's working fine for adb.

I believe I recovered my phone several times from this state by starting 
flash.sh while the phone was on and then doing a restart from the UI via the 
power button. Then during that 10 second window things proceed and I got a 
different version loaded.


On Monday, February 3, 2014 5:06 PM, Worik Stanton <worik.stan...@gmail.com> 
My keon has ceased to work.

The short of it is if I cycle the power on the phone while it is plugged
in adb devices reports a full_keon attached for about 10 seconds, then
it stops seeing it.  I have a syslog dump attached, I plugged the phone
in at 11:45:45, adb reported seeing the device a few seconds later
(about 3) and at from the syslog we can see that adb failed at 11:46:08.

How should I proceed?  What are my options?

The long story is:

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS/Platform/Gaia/Hacking I
updated gaia on my phone.  (I had been running 1.3 from the Geeksphone site)

Everything on the phone was good.  I could not connect to it through the
app manager nor adb, and I was debugging that.  Experimenting with the
settings in the "developer" menu (first I had seen of that).

Now I have a problem with gaia in that the UI has some strange setting.
Briefly (this is not the dev-Gaia list) it has one UI element
highlighted, and swiping moves the focus in a manner reminiscent of
tabbing through a form and double tapping on the screen activates that
element.  But I cannot access settings as the only access to them is via
the second screen that I can only access through a swipe, that does not
change to that screen.

Anyhow, what I want to do is flash my phone with a different system so I
can get hacking on it again.  But since adb cannot see it I have a problem.

If I cycle the power on the phone (because of the problems with gaia
settings the only way to do that is removeing/reinstalling the battery)
adb can access the phone (adb devices lists a "full keon") for about 10
seconds.  I am planning to write a small script to take advantage of
that window and stop b2g while I can still access it.  I know very
little about adb so that will take me most of today.

I would like advice from anybody here who might know more than me what
might be happening to my pphone.

I have attached my syslog for the period.  I plugged the phone battery
in at 11:45:45, adb reported seeing the device a few seconds later
(about 3) and at from the syslog we can see that adb failed at 11:46:08.


The only true evil is turning people into things....
                                         Granny Weatherwax
      worik.stan...@gmail.com 021-1680650, (03) 4821804
                          Aotearoa (New Zealand)
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