On 04/02/14 13:26, Craig Comstock wrote:
> I believe I recovered my phone several times from this state by
> starting flash.sh while the phone was on and then doing a restart
> from the UI via the power button. Then during that 10 second window
> things proceed and I got a different version loaded.

Thank you.

But I now have a new problem (that is progress!)

I used the following script:

## Workflow: (1) Unplug phone from USB.  (2) Turn off phone (remove
## battery if need be).  (3) Start this script. (4) plug phone into
## USB (5) Turn phone on (insert battery)
echo STart wait
adb wait-for-device
echo Reboot
adb reboot bootloader
echo fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
echo fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
echo fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase cache
echo fastboot reboot
fastboot reboot

It hangs on the fastboot flash boot boot.img

$ ./recover.sh
STart wait
fastboot flash boot boot.img
< waiting for device >

I did get "adb bugreport" working and have the output of that if it
would be helpful


The only true evil is turning people into things....
                                         Granny Weatherwax
       worik.stan...@gmail.com 021-1680650, (03) 4821804
                          Aotearoa (New Zealand)

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