On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 3:32 AM, Gabriele Svelto <gsve...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On 02/04/2014 02:09, Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> I think it'd make a lot of sense to make the app have high priority
>> while it's launching, both CPU-wise and out-of-memory-wise.
> Good point, we already have a mechanism to do that but it would be
> interesting to gauge it's speed: grabbing the wake-lock pushes a process
> into the FOREGROUND_HIGH high-priority mode that makes it almost
> invulnerable to the LMK and gives it the lowest nice value.

That only works once an app is far enough along in the launch process
that it's able to run javascript. We need to give apps a high priority
before then.

Is gaia currently setting the "visibility flag" on <iframes> of
launching apps right away? If not, we should make that happen.

Then we should look at the the visibility flag very early in the
forking process. But we don't have to monitor it aggressively
throughout the startup of an app as it's unlikely to change.

/ Jonas
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