On 30/04/2014 00:26, Jonas Sicking wrote:
On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 12:58 AM, Alive <al...@mozilla.com> wrote:

Thanks for clarifying, I'd filed
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1003024 to do setVisible as
early as we could.
For a normal launched app (webapps-launch) we should do setVisible(true)
right away after the iframe in the DOM tree,
for system message launched app (open-app with stayBackground=true) we
should do setVisible(false) right away after the iframe in the DOM tree.

Is there any way we could do setVisible(true/false) *before* adding
the iframe to the DOM tree? I guess that's not possible since the
iframe doesn't get a setVisible function until after the iframe has
been added to the DOM tree?

We really need to rewrite the browser API in C++ so that it

We specifically set if to false in the preallocated process to avoid any gfx related messages over IPC that can completely kill the gfx stack. That could potentially be fixed though.

That said we only bind the preallocated process to the iframe once it has been added to the DOM. Pre-emptively adding iframes as I suggested in bug 939695 will let you do so (it will also share something like 50ms of startup time).

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