Hey Gabriele,

Good of you to spend the time to sample a wide range of devices.

On 7/15/14, 6:20 AM, Gabriele Svelto wrote:
4) Hamachi (Alcatel ONETOUCH Fire), 2 fingers, when they're at the same
Y coordinates the second finger disappears, to make things works once
that happens it seems that the detection of the second finger goes down
the drain. Keeping one finger on the screen and dragging the other
vertically you can see the second finger being correctly detected until
it reaches the same Y coordinate as the first one, then once you move
away the second finger will be intermittently either detected or not.

I'm running and don't have that behaviour at all. I place my left index on the screen and keep it there. Then I drag my right index down the right hand side and the 'touch' box stays under my finger the whole way, even across the Y-axis position of the left index.

Arrrgh! Double checking now before sending the mail, I can observe your behaviour too. So it sometimes works and sometimes does what you describe (for me). What a flakey, piece of !#$@!$@#$ (cheap and effective at the price) hardware/software.

This looks more like a driver bug rather than a limitation of the

Alright, I can live with that conclusion. Seems a pity to have bad code on semi-decent hardware. Overall the Hamachi hardware has been pretty good for a development phone; this flakey multitouch, an upside down canvas coordinate system, and no solid way to update the OS have been the only real impediments to productive use as a development device.

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