
I have built B2G five times, and each time I have done git pull, repo sync
-d and rm -r /system/ and /out/. I have done even a clean new build, but
B2G is still crashing during boot: http://pastebin.com/UzBqAUGc

Someone suggested me that it is because  libadreno_utils.so does not exist:

E/libEGL  ( 3180): load_driver(/vendor/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno.so): dlopen
failed: could not load library "libadreno_utils.so" needed by
"libEGL_adreno.so"; caused by library "libadreno_utils.so" not found

Why is not adding it during the build process? Why are there missing files?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.
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