On 11 March 2015 at 18:15, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> wrote:

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3AjTqTwIdk

I'm glad someone appreciates my puns :)

> I do think that the registry can be simplified compared to what it is
> today.
> What we basically need is a bookmark registry. Which maintains a list
> of which pages/manifests that the user has bookmarked.

It's a bit more than just a bookmark registry in my opinion. A bookmark is
a shortcut to a single URL which opens in a browsing context. A web app on
the other hand can consist of multiple URLs. Installing an app into the app
registry should register that app (identified by manifest URL) as handling
a particular collection of URLs (defined by the "scope" property) using an
application context (a browsing context with the manifest applied) in its
preferred display mode (defined by the "display" property). You can also
bookmark/pin a page (we don't have to have a registry in Gecko for that),
and that bookmark could open in an application context (if it falls under
the scope of an installed app) or a browsing context.

But yes, there are probably things we could get rid of.

I would imagine that exactly what we do will depend on various UX
> decisions. Such as how to implement display modes.

I actually already implemented display modes in bug 1088009, as per the 2.2
spec. But yes there are still open questions around app scope for example.

I think we need to get more UX input on this stuff.

Agreed, I have no idea how any of this would fit into current v3 proposals
for example.

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