On 10/03/2015 17:01, Fabrice Desré wrote:
On 03/10/2015 03:35 AM, Antonio Manuel Amaya Calvo wrote:

 From a security point of view, I think the cookie jar model is much
better than having everything on the same pile. Maybe rather than
getting rid of that, or even making it an opt-in feature we could try
and hide the implementation details from the content. So we keep a
cookie jar per origin (instead of per-app as we do know, which is really
the same since we can only have one app per origin) and every time that
Nit: we currently support multiple apps per origin - the app identifier
is the manifest url.
Hmm for packaged we cannot as the origin 'host' doubles as the directory
were the packaged is installed. And for hosted it used to not work,
didn't knew we had changed that. In fact the test store we use
internally is hosted and I remember having to install it from a fake
origin or it didn't let me install more apps from that origin. Good to
know that's not the case anymore :)



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