
I wanted to pose some questions regarding project structure for Magnolia Twigs, 
all feedback is welcome.

Question 1:
I started to put together a parent pom for Twigs, and in the process I started 
thinking that maybe naming the root “magnolia-module-twigs” may not have been 
such a good idea.  I was kind of hoping to keep the layout similar to that used 
by the standard-templating-kit. I was thinking of one of the following:

Option A:
 +- pom.xml (parent pom)
+- bundle/ <-- Contains bundled distribution, static prototype, similar to the 
bundle for standard-templating-kit
+- documentation/ <-- Generated using maven-archetype-site-simple, contains 
.apt files, site descriptor (site.xml), etc.
+- magnolia-module-twigs/
 +- magnolia-module-twigs-google-maps/
 +- magnolia-module-twigs-social/
 +- magnolia-theme-pop-n-twigs/ <-- This sounds like a kids cereal, with lots 
of fiber :) yum!
+- magnolia-twigs-demo-project/

Option B:
 +- pom.xml (parent pom)
+- bundle/
 +- documentation/
 +- modules/
    +- pom.xml <-- parent pom for modules, allows us to build without docs and 
bundle, dependency management for all modules
   +- magnolia-module-twigs/
    +- magnolia-module-twigs-google-maps/
    +- magnolia-module-twigs-social/
    +- magnolia-theme-pop-n-twigs/
    +- magnolia-twigs-demo-project/

I have used Option B in my projects so far and it has worked out well. Does 
anyone have an opinion on the options above, do you favor one over the other? 
Is there another option you think we should consider?

Question 2:
Does Magnolia have a directory structure/convention for where to store Groovy 

For instance, Gmaven has the following directory structure:
(more info available here:

  +- pom.xml
  +- src/
     +- main/
     |  +- groovy/ (source location for Groovy and optional Java sources)
    +- test/
        +- groovy/ (source location for Groovy and optional Java test sources)

I have also seen this structure:

  +- pom.xml
  +- src/
  |  +- main/
  |  |  +- groovy/ (source location for Groovy sources)
 |  |  +- java/ (source location for Java sources)
 |  +- test/
     |  +- groovy/ (source location for Groovy test sources)
    |  +- java/ (source location for Java  test sources)

I posed this question to Grégory Joseph, he indicated that there was not yet a 
set way to do this with regards to Magnolia.  He also pointed to the Groovy 
Module, which stores its Groovy files in ./src/*/resources for simplicity.  
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


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