Right now, attribute getters always get prefixed with "Get" in the WebIDL bindings. So "readonly attribute long foo" becomes "int32_t GetFoo()" in the C++.

Would it make sense to drop the Get in certain cases? In particular, in cases in which:

1)  The getter is infallible.
2)  The return value is not returned via an outparam.
3)  The return value is not an interface type or is not nullable.

So this IDL:

  readonly attribute long foo;
  readonly attribute Iface bar;
  readonly attribute Iface? baz;

would become:

  int32_t Foo();
  already_AddRefed<Iface> Bar();
  already_AddRefed<Iface> GetBaz();

(with Iface* instead in cases when the getter is not an addreffing getter).


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