On Monday, November 26, 2012 10:44:44 AM UTC+1, cquar...@gmail.com wrote:
> The first aspect is that if the audience is not color blind, most of jpg 
> implementations are 8bpc, so it is a desctructive format in the first place, 
> especially with all the hardware capable of 10bpc or above, from cameras to 
> monitors. Also it is likely that camera manufacturers abandon RAW format 
> progressively in favor of JPEG XR, rather than for instance embedding jpg 
> image in RAW picture mainly for preview, and then expecting the audience to 
> convert RAW to 16-bit TIFF, OpenEXR, LuvLogTIFF or JPEG XR to retain dynamic 
> range and color depth of the sensor, especially for Foveon-based cameras like 
> the Sigma SD1,DP1 & DP2 Merrill....

I'm both a serious photographer and a reporter who's written about image 
formats and digital photography hardware and software. I see it as extremely 
unlikely that camera makers will abandon raw formats for their higher-end 
models. Although newer formats such as JPEG XR offer some potential benefits 
regarding color gamut, compression, and bit depth when compared to conventional 
JPEG, raw photo formats (and Adobe's DNG format, which it's trying to 
standardize) retain flexibility that JPEG XR necessarily loses. For example, 
when creating a JPEG or JPEG XR or WebP image from the raw sensor data, a 
camera makes irrevocable decisions about white balance, noise reduction, and 
sharpening. Photography pros and enthusiasts value this flexibility and aren't 
likely to be happy to see it go away. 

It's possible that JPEG XR could catch on as an alternative to JPEG. However, I 
haven't detected enthusiasm among camera makers, who've had several years to 
embrace JPEG XR if they wanted to, and I don't see Microsoft or others trying 
to advocate adoption in hardware. If camera makers don't support JPEG XR, 
there's much less of an incentive to support it on the Web since ordinary 
people won't be uploading their photos with it. There might be some advantages 
in compression ratio and alpha channel for Web developers and graphic artists, 
of course, but at least for the foreseeable future I don't see this as a 
mainstream graphics format.
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