On 12/12/12 19:06, Justin Lebar wrote:
Recently I read Dave Townsend's thread about "Super-review,
what shall we do with you?" and realized there wasn't any
conclusion to that.

As a relative new dev, I think it is vital to have a clear
distinction as to when a sr is required.

I think the conclusion to draw from that thread is that there is no
One True Policy about when SR is required.  We tried to make one in
that thread, but it was hard to reach consensus, as you observed.

Reviewers should point out when a patch needs sr.  Or you can flag
patches which you think might contain API changes for sr?someone and
then let the reviewer or superreviewer clear the request.

Yeah this is right. Reviewers should be the ones saying if they think a patch requires SR. They have the experience to understand that decision which is difficult to put hard criteria against. The words in the SR policy page can give you a general idea but circumstances differ.

If you are concerned about whether something will need SR then the things to do is reach out to a potential reviewer and ask them.

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