On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Benjamin Smedberg

> I think we should try to process mousemoves as quickly as we can: it's
> important for certain kinds of drawing apps especially to have as much
> mouse input as possible, and I doubt that only receiving mouse input at
> 60fps would be adequate in general. Can we build a very basic layer on top
> of the OS mousemove events that coalesces them and dispatches them as soon
> as there are no pending events (native or gecko)? This should solve the
> problem of starving gecko events (especially refresh driver events).

That could starve mousemove events, though.

I created http://people.mozilla.com/~roc/mousemove-freq.html. We get up to
120-ish mousemoves per second on my machine in Firefox, and a bit more in
IE9, but it caps out at 60fps in Chrome which suggests to me they're doing
something like what I suggested already.

In that testcase you can artificially limit mousemove frequency to 60 per
second. It doesn't make much difference to my drawing, athough I'm poorly
coordinately. But wouldn't it make sense for a drawing app to intelligently
interpolate between mousemove points anyway, using splines or something? I
sort of doubt the difference between 60 points per second and 120 points
per second is critical. And I *really* doubt we should design for that

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tvir uvf yvsr nf n enafbz sbe znal.” [Znggurj 20:25-28]
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