On Friday, February 15, 2013 4:36:21 AM UTC+2, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Benjamin Smedberg
> <snip mail>wrote:
> > I think we should try to process mousemoves as quickly as we can: it's
> > important for certain kinds of drawing apps especially to have as much
> > mouse input as possible, and I doubt that only receiving mouse input at
> > 60fps would be adequate in general. Can we build a very basic layer on top
> > of the OS mousemove events that coalesces them and dispatches them as soon
> > as there are no pending events (native or gecko)? This should solve the
> > problem of starving gecko events (especially refresh driver events).
> >
> That could starve mousemove events, though.
> I created http://people.mozilla.com/~roc/mousemove-freq.html. We get up to
> 120-ish mousemoves per second on my machine in Firefox, and a bit more in
> IE9, but it caps out at 60fps in Chrome which suggests to me they're doing
> something like what I suggested already.
> In that testcase you can artificially limit mousemove frequency to 60 per
> second. It doesn't make much difference to my drawing, athough I'm poorly
> coordinately. But wouldn't it make sense for a drawing app to intelligently
> interpolate between mousemove points anyway, using splines or something? I
> sort of doubt the difference between 60 points per second and 120 points
> per second is critical. And I *really* doubt we should design for that
> constraint.
> Rob
> -- 
> Wrfhf pnyyrq gurz gbtrgure naq fnvq, “Lbh xabj gung gur ehyref bs gur
> Tragvyrf ybeq vg bire gurz, naq gurve uvtu bssvpvnyf rkrepvfr nhgubevgl
> bire gurz. Abg fb jvgu lbh. Vafgrnq, jubrire jnagf gb orpbzr terng nzbat
> lbh zhfg or lbhe freinag, naq jubrire jnagf gb or svefg zhfg or lbhe fynir
> — whfg nf gur Fba bs Zna qvq abg pbzr gb or freirq, ohg gb freir, naq gb
> tvir uvf yvsr nf n enafbz sbe znal.” [Znggurj 20:25-28]

I tried the test on Nightly runnig Windows 7 64bit.

I get up to 1000(!) mousemoves per second but I have a Logitech G400 "gaming" 
mouse that defaults to a 1000Hz polling rate without Logitech's software. I 
guess it depends on the peripheral and the OS. The lines are very smooth even 
with rapid mouse movements. [1]

Selecting the checkbox to cap the rate and rapidly moving the mouse around 
results in a very ugly result though. [2]

[1] http://ompldr.org/vaGd2bg/moverate.png
[2] http://ompldr.org/vaGd2bw/moveratecapped.png
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