----- Original Message -----
> From: "Robert O'Callahan" <rob...@ocallahan.org>
> To: "Bas Schouten" <bschou...@mozilla.com>
> Cc: "dev-platform" <dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 11:00:01 PM
> Subject: Re: Moz2D Repository Creation
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Bas Schouten <
> bschou...@mozilla.com > wrote:
> I don't think it works that way. At least it doesn't for me, these
> time issues don't work that way. There's a context switch involved,
> those are expensive and there's the feeling of pulling in 2.5 gigs+
> onto your hard drive to do something small, for someone else really,
> not because you get paid for it. Especially when you're for example
> on a conference with a poor network connection. As another example,
> currently pushing to try is a very conscious decision for me. Is
> this test result worth it if it's going to take me 4 hours to get
> the results on all platforms? I'll have to look at it again
> tomorrow, maybe I should look a little more if I've done everything
> to make sure it works. Because I know that by pushing that try run
> I'm going to put a lot of burden on our infrastructure to see if a
> small change compiles on all platforms.
> But pushing to try is something you do a lot. Cloning Moz2D is
> something you probably only do once. And you probably won't do it at
> a conference.

This would is true for me, for mozilla-central and Moz2D. It's a lot less true 
I believe for projects you work on sporadically. If I look at myself, some of 
the other things I occasionally play with that I don't use in my day-to-day job 
I work on them quite infrequently. Which means I frequently clear them out, or 
have to pull long periods of updates, here the cost of a large repository 
becomes a lot larger again.

> Additionally all -other- operations on a larger repository are a lot
> slower, things like top-level diffs, updates, etc. They take seconds
> or less on small repository, every step of your workflow is more
> efficient in a more isolated environment. Bisecting is only a small
> example of this, bisecting inside a small repository with a fast
> build/test is a process that's done very quickly and is very easy to
> justify timewise. Bisecting mozilla-central is a hard task that
> takes a lot of time.
> Mainly because you have to build all of mozilla-central. Standalone
> builds and tests of Moz2D would be great and we can do that without
> putting it in its own repository.

This is true, and it even already more or less works (although the Makefiles 
aren't in the tree, the VS2010 files are, although the lack of automated 
testing means I've not gone through the trouble of putting all the newer tests 
to m-c) but it would be complicated to integrate this into our infrastructure, 
in such a way that a try push to Moz2D code only runs the Moz2D compile and 
Moz2D tests.

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