I looked at the data used to calculate the offenders, and I found:

total type, total jobs, total duration, total hours
try builders, 3525, 12239477, 3399.85472222
try testers, 71821, 121294315, 33692.8652778
inbound builders, 7862, 30877533, 8577.0925
inbound testers, 121641, 182883638, 50801.0105556
other builders, 14690, 26990702, 7497.41722222
other testers, 75170, 111729324, 31035.9233333
totals: 294709, 486014989.0, 135004.163611

It looks like our try server usage for builders is not that bad, but our use of 
testers is much higher than that of all the other branches sans 

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