> 1.2.2. TeX is very friendly to manual writing, being concise and
> close to natural notation, with limited overhead (some backslashes and
> curly braces), while MathML is as tedious to handwrite as any other
> XML-based format. An example is worked out at
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MathML#Example_and_comparison_to_other_formats,
> where the solution to the quadratic equation is one line of TeX versus
> 30 lines of MathML!

This isn't exactly a fair comparison. I mean, its fair, but for equations of 
any complexity (i.e. things you wouldn't find in a high school text book) TeX 
can quickly become incredibly difficult (maybe more difficult than MATHML) to 
manage. Most people I know who use TeX regularly have developed fairly thick 
sets of macros to try and manage things.

> Given that TeX is already the standard in scientific publishing, I would
> find it very surprising if they complained about a TeX-based or TeX-like
> format !

I'm not sure this is true either. At least in the fields I was involved in 
(solid state phsyics), MS Word had established itself as a broader standard. 
That was primarily based on general ease of use and (more importantly?) ease of 
collaboration (i.e. we could easily share a real document back and forth that 
tracked changes/comments inside it). Using a version tracking system would have 
been interesting... but I wasn't aware of anyone doing it.

I always wanted to see MathML succeeded. There are plenty of things to complain 
about in the format, but I think most of its problems stemmed from a lack of 
implementations. It feels to me like another one of those technologies (like 
flexbox or web components) that people need to reinvent (with a few of the 
sharp edges rounded off) and try to sell as "new". Until we have buy in from 
some other browser vendors on a new format though, I don't think I understand 
why we'd kill off something that 1.) works and 2.) AFAIK requires almost zero 
upkeep. Are teams spending a lot of time upkeeping MathML code?

- Wes
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