On 5/28/13 8:22 AM, Benoit Jacob wrote:
When I started this thread, I didn't even conceive that one would want to
apply style to individual pieces of an equation. Someone gave the example
of applying a color to e.g. a square root sign, to highlight it; I don't
believe much in the pedagogic value of this kind of tricks --- that sounds
like a toy to me --- but at this point I didn't want to argue further, as
that is a matter of taste.

Note that I've seen at least one PhD dissertation that made good use of color to highlight which terms of a 2-page-long equation canceled each other to produce the final (much shorter; iirc it was 0) result.

Of course that was in the PDF version; the print version had to be black-and-white, and was a lot harder to follow.

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