On 5/23/2013 5:32 AM, Scott Johnson wrote:
Members of dev-platform:

As part of the Web Rendering work-week in Taiwan, we had a discussion of
the process of code review, graciously led by roc. If you were unable to
attend, or were able to attend and would like to review the proceedings,
notes are available here:

Special thanks to Anne van Kesteren and Daniel Holbert for assisting me
in the note-taking when my laptop battery died.
I'll reply here, but I'm not sure if there are other places we should post this information:

* patch size/patch contents included in review email: this was mostly fixed in bug 689601

* Automated tools: mhoye has identified lack of automated review as one of our biggest blockers to getting more mentors involved and having successful mentoring for new volunteers. It turns out that nobody wants to mentor bugs when most of the interaction involves "please fix this whitespace/style/etc". cc'ing him so he can provide more details.

* I think we should experiment (again) with real pull-request integration into bugzilla. I've been looking at gerrit, which shows some promise but may be very difficult to integrate. http://julien.danjou.info/blog/2013/rant-about-github-pull-request-workflow-implementation resonates strongly with me personally, but I don't know if the actual tool will be good enough to use without major modifications. There are certainly some valuable things we could do with pull requests, such as direct integration with the tryserver and automatic pushing after review.


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