On 26/06/13 17:08, Andrew Overholt wrote:
> On 25/06/13 12:15 PM, Mounir Lamouri wrote:
>> Also, I do not understand why we are excluding CSS, WebGL and WebRTC. We
>> should definitely not make this policy retro-apply so existing features
>> should not be affected but if someone wants to add a new CSS property,
>> it is not clear why this shouldn't go trough this process.
> My hope was to get something in place for APIs and then build up to
> other web-exposed "things" like CSS, etc.

In my opinion, CSS, HTML, DOM, WebGL, WebRTC and other Web APIs should
follow that rules. I do not see why CSS, for example, should be an

>> "ship" is too restrictive. If a feature is implemented and available in
>> some version (even behind a flag) with a clear intent to ship it at some
>> point, this should be enough for us to follow.
> I changed it to "at least two other browser engines ship (regardless if
> it's behind a flag or not in their equivalent of beta or release) -- a
> compatible implementation of this API ".  How's that?  I don't want to
> see us basing our decision to ship on another engine's use of their
> nightly equivalent for experimentation (whether this happens right now
> or not).  Am I worried for no reason?

As Henri said, we should make sure that there is a genuine intent to
ship if a feature is implemented in a browser (even behind a flag).
Reaching out to the other vendors in that case should be easy.

>>> 2. ecosystem- and hardware-specific APIs that are not standard or of
>>> interest to the broader web at that time (or ever) may be shipped in
>>> a  way to limit their harm of the broader web (ex. only on a device
>>> or only in specific builds with clear disclaimers about applicability
>>> of exposed APIs). An example of this is the FM Radio API for Firefox
>>> OS.
>> When I read this, I read "It is okay to have Mozilla ship a phone with
>> proprietary APIs". That means that we are okay with Mozilla creating the
>> situation Apple created on Mobile, a situation that Mozilla has been
>> criticising a lot. Shipping proprietary APIs on a specific device is
>> harming the broader Web if that device happens to be one of the most
>> used device out there...
> The way you read it obviously not something we want to do.  What if we
> dropped the "ecosystem-"?  I can't see how we can allow ourselves to
> ship hardware-specific APIs that don't work everywhere without an
> exception like this.

If this exception is only about mobile or hardware-specific APIs, we
might want as well remove it. If we do not standardise things like FM
Radio API it is not really because it requires a FM Radio (a lot of
phones have this feature) but mostly because no one else want this for
the moment.

> Are there situations where we would ship such an
> API on desktop if there's very little chance of the required hardware
> existing there?

Indeed, we would not ship an API on desktop if it doesn't work on
desktop but I am not following the logic here. If an API works only on
Mobile, it should be standardised as well. An good example being the
Screen Orientation API.

>>> Declaring Intent
>>> API review
>>> Implementation
>>> Shipping
>> I think some clarifications are needed in those areas.
> I changed the section headers to:
> Declaring Intent to Implement
> API review
> Implementation
> Intent to Ship and Shipping
> How's that?

I didn't meant the names but the content of those sections ;)

>> The issue with having "dev-platform" finding a consensus with intent
>> emails is that we might end up in a infinite debate. In that case, we
>> should use the module system and have the module owner(s) of the
>> associated area of code make the decision. If the module owner(s) can't
>> take this decision, we could go upward and ask Brendan to make it.
> I admit I didn't think much about "dev-platform" coming to a consensus.
>  I guess I'd like major disputes to be handled on a case-by-case basis
> and not have to define what should be done in the infinite discussion
> situations.  Maybe we should just be more forthcoming as reviewers or
> module owners about something we wouldn't want to ship and thus save
> potential implementors' time.

I would bet that consensus is going to be reached most of the time. We
used to discuss a lot of things in dev-webapi and we never ended up in
infinite discussions.

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