On 07/09/2013 07:17 PM, Joshua Cranmer 🐧 wrote:
>> I've said this before, not sure it's written in wiki-stone, maybe it should 
>> be: if you get a review request, respond same-day either with the actual 
>> review, or an ETA or promise to review by a certain date.
> For reviewers who are not Mozilla employees but rather do this only in spare 
> time, responding within 24 hours can be difficult. I typically end up doing 
> most reviews in a weekly-ish batch on the weekends, for example.

I find myself wondering: why 24h, exactly?  Why is a day the limit on the time 
to wait?

Reviewer-side: I've lately tried to minimize my review turnaround time such 
that I get things done, roughly FIFO, before I get a review-nag mail.  I can 
approximately do that, while keeping up with most of my coding.  Establishing 
one-day turnaround time on reviews, or on requests, would require a lot more 
polling on my review queue.  And I don't think that's a good thing, 
context-switching from coding tasks being pretty expensive for any developer.

Reviewee-side: maybe I'm just weird, or maybe JS is just different, but I 
always have half a dozen to a dozen different things I'm doing, or could be 
doing, at any time.  If I find myself waiting for forward progress one one -- 
waiting for try results, waiting for a review, waiting for my clock to overlap 
with that of someone in Europe, or anything else -- I can work on something 
else, and not feel obligated to interrupt whoever/whatever I'm waiting on to 
ask for prioritization.  Outside of must-fix-for-security-uplift-this-week 
situations, I can't think of a case where 24h turnaround (even to provide 
expectations) is something I've ever wanted so strongly that I'd force every 
reviewer to drop enough things to provide it.

Or maybe I'm just weird.  But 24h, for much other than new-reviewer requests, 
seems way shorter than I think the maximum turnaround time should be.  If it's 
a new contributor, okay, 24h or so (modulo weekends, vacations, etc.) is a bit 
short, but perhaps doable.  But for regular contributors, with many things to 
do while waiting for any particular review, I don't see why the delay shouldn't 
be a few days, to a week, to maybe slightly over a week.

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