On 13/07/13 00:36, Clint Talbert wrote:
> This is all good stuff, and I want to support us being nimble. We also
> need to balance that against security and quality in our builds. We go
> through the release process for a reason, and we exert the energy to QA
> these builds and ensure we can update them incrementally, reliably, and
> repeatably. I think that such a service like this can be fine, but I'd
> want to be very certain we only change certain, safe items in the
> profile directory, and we stay away from items in the application
> directory.

If that's the general feeling, then we'd need to move any of these data
items which are currently not profile-specific (e.g. the PSL) to be
profile-specific. (Which itself suggests that updating them should rev.
the Firefox version number.)

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