On 7/22/2013 6:05 PM, Rob Arnold wrote:

Ah, you're right. Bad example. 'UseFoo(new T)' compiles but leaks,
'nsRefPtr<T> foo() { nsRefPtr<T> bar(...); ...; return bar; }' is a
use-after-tree in cases like 'T* p = foo();' and there are probably a
number of other cases that the compiler allows and/or writes for you where
issues can arise.

The end goal that I am promoting is to never deal with raw pointers because
the ownership semantics aren't clear; instead, shove the pointer into a
strong container like RefPtr or std::unique_ptr and let the strong
containers/compiler handle the safety. I know that with earlier
compilers/editions of C++, it was not possible to do this efficiently, but
I think it is worth revisiting this in a discussion of modernizing the
codebase with C++11. I believe that it's mozilla style to never return an
nsRefPtr from a function/method but with C++11 move semantics and
optimizations like RVO, you can do this efficiently in a number of common
I understand the goal. I'm not sure I agree with it. Bare pointers are a way of life in C/C++. We can and continue to abstract away some aspects of them. But every smart pointer class adds cost in a bunch of different ways:

* compilation time: the compiler takes a lot longer to inline smart-pointer classes than raw pointers * cognitive overhead: this can vary depending on whether we use C++ standard types or Mozilla-specific types, but everyone learning the codebase needs to learn how to use each new container class, and that learning curve is hard. * debugging complexity: tooling can help with this a lot, but we don't even have any/good debugger visualizers or shortcuts for our existing comptr/refptr classes, so you have to jump in using .mRawPtr in order to see them in a debugger. * Invisible behaviors: a key required optimization is avoiding refcounting when passing pointers around. As noted in the thread, we can solve this using class patterns. But you not only need to make sure that your patterns are correct, but you need to make sure that coders and reviewers can actually verify that they are doing the correct thing in each case. It's easy to die a death by a thousand unnecessary refcounts which end up costing 10% or more on important benchmarks.

Given these costs, how do we decide whether the end-state of having few raw pointers is worth it? Especially while we're doing the rust/servo research on a memory-safe language which could moot the entire discussion.

If there are common patterns of unsafe code which we can identify as a result of this thread, we can instead of rewriting the entire tree to use refpointers write analysis passes for the particular unsafe code patterns. I'm particularly interested in the "calling a method on a member pointer which might change as a result of a nested call" analysis, since we've hit that a number of times in plugin-land and it doesn't sound like an analysis which would be too hard to write or cause too many false positives.

If we can solve most of this problem with a few targeted analyses, we should do that instead.

I haven't been very involved in Mozilla development for a while but my
understanding based on when I stopped contributing code is that a) we've
done large code modifications before, b) our static analysis tools make it
easier to maintain these and c) I am optimistic that these changes can be
done incrementally if need be.
Our static tools were pretty good at analysis, but only one tool for rewriting (outparamdel) was ever useful, and most of that framework is no longer usable. All of our recent treewide changes have been done using grep/sed and a little bit of scripted reindentation. That's not going to work for a pointer-type change of this sort.

Rewriting by hand or machine can work if you can do individual signatures at a time, but given the way our signatures are often dictated by XPIDL, doing a refactoring of this sort is still a pretty huge undertaking. The opportunity cost is high, and overall I don't think the change is worth it at least until we can make a definitive decision about rust/servo.


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