On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 12:50 AM, Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 2013-08-02 4:49 PM, Brian Smith wrote:
>> That sounds reasonable to me. So, based on that then, let's get back to my
>> original question that motivated the discussion of the policy: If we add
>> std::move, std::forward, and std::unique_ptr to STLPort for Android and
>> B2G, can we start using std::move, std::forward, and std::unique_ptr
>> throughout Gecko?
> Yes, if they're available in all of our environments, I don't see why not.
>  What we want to be careful with is how the STLport changes would work (we
> don't want to make builds fail if you just grab an Android NDK).

I am not quite sure what you mean. Here is the workflow that I was
envisioning for solving this problem:

1. Add std::move, std::forward, and std::unique_ptr to STLPort (backporting
them from STLPort's git master, with as few changes as possible).
2. Write a patch that changes something in Gecko to use std::move,
std::forward, and std::unique_ptr.
3. Push that patch to try (try: -b o -p all -u all -t none).
4. If all the builds build, and all the tests pass, then ask for review.
5. After r+, land on mozilla-inbound. If all the builds build, and all the
tests pass, then anybody/everybody is free to use std::move, std::forward,
and std::unique_ptr.

To me, this is the most (only?) reasonable way to decide when enough
configurations support a language feature/library we are considering using.


> Ehsan

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