On 2013-08-02 4:39 PM, Brian Smith wrote:
On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Mike Hommey <m...@glandium.org
<mailto:m...@glandium.org>> wrote:

     > Upgrading minimum compiler requirements doesn't imply backporting
     > requirements to Aurora where ESR24 is right now.  Are you opposed to
     > updating our minimum supported gcc to 4.7 on trunk when Firefox
    OS is ready
     > to switch?

    Not at all, as long as ESR24 keeps building with gcc 4.4. I've even been
    complaining about b2g still using gcc 4.4 on trunk...

This adds too much risk of security patches failing to backport from
mozilla-central to ESR 24. Remember that one of the design goals of ESR
is to minimize the amount of effort we put into it so that ESR doesn't
slow down real Firefox. AFAICT, most people don't even want ESR at all.
So, a constraint to keep ESR 24 compatible with GCC needs to include
some resources for doing the backports.

How does this add too much risk? Patches that we backport to ESR are usually fairly small, and there is already some risk involved as the codebases diverge, of course.

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