On 05/08/13 14:53, Bas Schouten wrote:
> Although I agree fully that by far the best way of offering feedback
> is by talking to that person directly. I do think we have to face the
> fact that at this point in time a significant amount of people find
> it very hard to speak to people directly about things. Even when
> their intention is to provide constructive criticism, they will often
> rather avoid the confrontation for fear of creating grudges, damaging
> their reputation, their career, etc. It also simply takes some amount
> of training and social skills to deliver criticism in such a way that
> the target of that feedback will perceive it as the intent to improve
> them, rather than an attempt to simply criticize them or even bring
> them down.

If we accept all that as true for the sake of argument, then it doesn't
legitimise complaining to random 3rd parties. If you are unwilling to
talk to someone directly, find someone who will, and approach them with
a specific request to raise the issue with the person concerned. This is
not as good as approaching them directly, and it should be an indicator
that either you need to work on your feedback-giving or they need to
work on their feedback-receiving, but it's a lot better than the other

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