On 8/5/13 1:46 AM, Joshua Cranmer 🐧 wrote:
DOMJSProxyHandler.h [2614, #197] includes xpcpublic.h [2645, #188]
includes nsIURI [3295, #121]. DOMJSProxyHandler appears to include
xpcpublic.h solely for IsDOMProxy; xpcpublic.h appears to include nsIURI
because it uses it as an nsCOMPtr in the CompartmentStatsExtras class it
defines. The end result is that touching nsIURI will require us to
rebuild all of the DOM bindings.

Note that BindingUtils.h also includes xpcpublic.h, so even fixing the DOMJSProxyHandler bits wouldn't necessarily help.

On the bright side, nsIURI is almost never touched, unlike xpcpublic itself.

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