On 9/5/13 11:15 AM, Adam Roach wrote:
I would argue that we do, to some degree, already do this for things
like Content-Encoding. For example, if a website attempts to send
gzip-encoded bodies without a Content-Encoding header, we don't simply
display the compressed body as if it were encoded according to the
indicated type

Actually, we do, unless the indicated type is text/plain.

The one fixup I'm aware of with Content-Encoding is that if the content type is application/gzip and the Content-Encoding is gzip and the file extension is .gz we ignore the Content-Encoding.

Both of these are workarounds for a very widespread server misconfiguration (in particular, the default Apache configuration for many years had the text/plain problem and the default Apache configuration on most Linux distributions had the gzip problwm).

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