On (2013年09月10日 00:08), Scott Johnson wrote:
> Thus Spoke ishikawa:
>> I wonder if trying to re-indent legacy code according to the current style
>> is a good idea or not. (It is a little irritating to modify a part of legacy
>> code and find my editor trying to follow the current style while the rest of
>> the file is in different style.)
> I'd recommend we not do this, as it will likely break hg blame. I've
> worked for companies in the past that checked in formatting changes
> alongside other, functional changes, and it ended (even in small
> codebases) in a lot of chaos - mostly that it was a) difficult to review
> those changes and b) difficult to track back which
> bugs/tickets/developers changed which sets of code.
> If we were going to do this, though, we should have a separate bug for
> formatting changes, and check in those changes in separate patches
> (maybe even one per file whose formatting is to be changed).
> ~Scott

So you are suggesting something like
step 1 - request for formatting a file indented in an arcane format, i.e.,
reformat it according to the currently adopted code.
step 2 - then after the re-formating of the file is done,
   particular bug or something is fixed in the newly formatted code.

I understand the merit of leaving the code as is since hg blame won't work
nicely with such file-wide format change as in step-1.
(Or maybe we can teach hg blame to ignore such change, etc. but maybe too
much work: the idea would be to mark formatting change with a particular
string [maybe tag name] and let hg blame  to ignore such tag to look for a
previous patch that touched each line. Hmm. Maybe too much work indeed)

OTOH, code in a strange indentation is hard to touch: during linux
development around 2.1.1xx, Alan Cox got tired of the spaghetti code of SCSI
driver subsystem and introduced a revision: that revision consisted only of
 sweeping reformatting of scsi subsystem files. No change except for
It was felt the code could not be improved upon any more without such

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