On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 1:54 AM, Brian Smith <br...@briansmith.org> wrote:
> I am making the assumption for now that Flash is the main thing we don't
> have a solution for.

In the present tense, we have neither Pepper nor Shumway shipping.
Considering what we'll have in the future, do you have a reason to
believe Shumway wouldn't qualify as a "solution", particularly with
some current uses of Flash migrating to browser-native APIs?

On the topic of getting current uses of Flash to migrate to
browser-native APIs,  perhaps contributing to one of the Flex to
JavaScript compilers would be more cost-effective than implementing
Pepper and arranging the availability of the  Pepper version of Flash
to Firefox users.

> I am not making this assumption. I am not saying "we should/must do
> Pepper." I am saying that it isn't right to say there is "little benefit"
> to Pepper. Even with Flash being the "only" Pepper plugin, the (potential)
> security advantages of Pepper make it very valuable.

That's assuming that there would be a way to get a Pepper version of
Flash to Firefox users under reasonable terms/price and that Shumway
wouldn't satisfy users' swf rendering needs.

> Also, several internal systems within Mozilla Corporation are Flash-based,
> including our company-wide videoconferencing system and parts of our
> payroll system (IIUC). I think it would be great if we developed a plan for
> Mozilla Corporation to be able to dogfood a Flash-player-free Firefox
> internally by the end of 2014, at least.

That would be a great goal. I'm really looking forward to a
WebRTC-based replacement for Vidyo. (Fun security speculation
experiment: How much less secure are Mozilla's LDAP passwords because
Vidyo forces people to have passwords that they are able to type into
a Flash applet repeatedly instead to letting Firefox manage a long
randomly generated unrememberable password?)

Henri Sivonen
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