Hi everyone,

Judging by the responses to my thread [1] about the C++ Standards Committee 
meeting a couple of weeks ago, there seems to be a fair bit of interest in
the standardization of some new C++ language features and libraries.

A lot of the committee members are engineers at companies with large C++
codebases that have a stake in the future of the language. It occurred
to me that Mozilla is such a company, and we are not currently represented 
by anyone on the committee.

Official representation at the committee would give Mozilla the ability 
to have a voice in discussions of existing proposals, make new proposals, 
and vote for acceptance/rejection of proposals. It would allow us to 
participate in the design of future C++ features that may affect us in 
significant ways, such as reflection and modules.

Is there any interest in having Mozilla be officially represented at the
C++ Standards Committee?


[1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.platform/l_vlbIhy8Vw
dev-platform mailing list

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