> I think this is a great idea, unless there are severe
> financial/contractual obligations!

The cost of participating in committee meetings is simply
that of sending someone to attend them. They are 1 week
long, and happen 2-3 times a year in locations that rotate
between North America and Europe.

The cost of becoming a voting member depends on which
national body you go through (the committee is composed
of delegations from national standards bodies). As a 
US-based company, we can go through the US standards body,
which I believe is a simple process but involves an
annual fee. We can also go through the Canadian standards
body, which I believe is free but involves a longer process.
I haven't looked into this in detail, though.

At this stage, I'm just looking to assess the level of
interest from our C++ developers. If there is interest, I 
will look into the processes involved in more detail.

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