Here's another reminder everyone.  This is happening *this Friday* at 1pm,
EST.  I will shut down my update scripts on Friday, and will push a
non-fast-forward commit to all of the branches on that repo on Monday so
that people who do not see this message before that time would have a way
of knowing about this change.

If you haven't done already, *please* take a few minutes to do this right
now.  If you hit problems, please ping me over email or IRC, or hop on #git.



On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 2:12 PM, Ehsan Akhgari <>wrote:

> Gentle reminder that this is happening this Friday.  Ideally you should
> have migrated your local git clones to the new repositories by now, but if
> you haven't, please take some time to do this before this Friday.
> Again, if you have a reason why I should postpone this please speak up!
> Cheers,
> --
> Ehsan
> <>
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 7:39 AM, Ehsan Akhgari <>wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> For the past two and a half years I have been maintaining a git mirror of
>> mozilla-central plus a lot of the other branches that people found useful
>> at  Over the years this
>> proved to be too much work for me to keep up with, and given the existence
>> of the new git mirrors that are supported by RelEng, I'm planning to shut
>> down the update jobs for this repository on Friday, Dec 13, 2013 and take
>> the repository down.
>> I strongly suggest that if you have been using and relying on this
>> repository before, please consider switching to the RelEng repositories as
>> soon as possible. is the main
>> repository where you can find branches such as trunk/aurora/b2g
>> branches/etc and is a
>> repository which contains project branches and twigs.  (Note that my
>> repository hosts all of these branches in a single location, but from now
>> on if you use both of these branch subsets you will need to have two
>> upstream remotes added in your local git clone.)
>> The RelEng repositories have a similar history line including the CVS
>> history but they have completely different commit SHA1s, so pulling that
>> repo into your existing clones is probably not what you want.  If you don't
>> have a lot of non-merged branches, your safest bet is cloning from scratch
>> and then port your existing branches manually.  If you have a lot of local
>> branches, you may want to wait for the script that John Schoenick is
>> working on in bug 929338 which will assist you in rebasing those branches
>> on top of the new history line.
>> Last but not least, I really hate to have to disrupt your workflow like
>> this.  I do hope that three weeks is enough advance notice for everybody to
>> successfully switch over to the new mirrors, but if you have a reason for
>> me to delay this please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate.
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Ehsan
>> <>
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