On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 5:01 AM, Karl Tomlinson <mozn...@karlt.net> wrote:
> Very often I've found that the intended approach changes during the
> life of a bug, and there is no clear summary in the bug of what
> eventually was done.  It is then necessary to go back through
> multiple revisions of the patch and associated comments and
> replies to find out the reasoning.  Add in the complexity of
> multiple changes in one bug, and having a single summary in one
> place would be very helpful, and is, when it is there.

I strongly agree with this, and was particular to write detailed
commit messages in the other large project I ever worked on
(MediaWiki).  But doesn't Mercurial hide all but the first line by
default in the places you'd normally look for it (e.g., log)?  If so,
given how few Mozillans currently use detailed commit messages, it
would be a waste of effort to write them.  It's unlikely that anyone
will ever look.
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