On 2014-06-02, at 08:53, Rik Cabanier <caban...@gmail.com> wrote:

> it conveys that this is a 2d matrix and that you can ignore the 3d 
> components. 

Maybe you misunderstood what I was implying.  You are describing an intended 
application of the matrix to 2d or 3d graphics.  The problem is that the is2D() 
method is applicable to what appears to be a generic object.  That object has a 
name “DOMMatrix” which implies a general capability that isn’t present.  

However, when someone says matrix [1], I think matrix.  My understanding of 
matrices extends beyond 4x4 and 2x3.  It’s understandable perhaps that the 
matrix object is 2-dimensional only, because that is highly useful for the 
application you have in mind, and a lot more besides.

I think that a lot of this sort of confusion would be remedied by having a 
different name, in both cases.  CSSMatrix is heaps better (but there I might be 
demonstrating ignorance of “CSS”), and is2x3() would also help.


[1] ...here a DOM prefix has been rendered effectively meaningless through 
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