On 05 Jun 2014, at 12:00, Dao <d...@design-noir.de> wrote:

> On 05.06.2014 11:38, Mike de Boer wrote:
>> On 05 Jun 2014, at 09:54, Dao <d...@design-noir.de> wrote:
>>> On 04.06.2014 11:45, Mike de Boer wrote:
>>>> The reason CommonJS came into view was not because of it’s semantic 
>>>> superiority, but because of its similarity to both the XPCShell-test and 
>>>> Mochitest assertion styles and implementation.
>>>> This way I thought we could circumvent ppl to get worried about 
>>>> re-inventing the wheel or something like that and view this change as an 
>>>> incremental step to gradually improve the blueprint overlap between the 
>>>> test suites in use.
>>> I don't understand. How does using CommonJS achieve this better than making 
>>> XPCShell use something based on the Mochitest API?
>> It doesn’t, per sé. Please understand that I’m not at all attached to _any_ 
>> API. I care only about pragmatic consistency across test suites we use for 
>> frontend development. If possible, across the board.

I actually meant ‘test runners’, not ‘test suites’. But we already understood 
each other :)

> That's a fine goal and apparently generally agreed with (except for 
> testharness.js).
>> As I tried to explain, the CommonJS API naively made sense to me at the 
>> time. To others as well, because we’re happily using it. As I now 
>> understand, some of us are very attached to a specific, different, API.
> While I like that the SimpleTest methods tend to be briefer, I don't think 
> the main issue is that people are deeply attached to that API per se. The 
> point is that we shouldn't replace it without good reasons, since there's a 
> cost attached to switching APIs. If we were using CommonJS and someone 
> proposed we moved to SimpleTest, there would likely be a similar backlash.

I’m a bit wary of the ‘cost’ propositions I hear every now and again. 
Everything we do has a cost. Having inconsistent APIs across the codebase has a 
cost. Having this conversation has a cost. Having an assertion method called 
`ise` has a cost. I’m not sure what you’re trying to discuss here.

I want that to happen, which is most ‘cost-efficient’; if that’s moving the 
implementation of `is`, `isnot`, `ise` to a separate module whilst keeping the 
method names available to all Mochitest(-browser) tests, than we do that.

If providing the SimpleTest API to XPCShell-test by aliasing the assertion 
method names to the respective SimpleTest method names and not exposing the 
CommonJS method names in the global scope is most ‘cost-efficient’, than we do 

>> I care only about the sanity of its implementation. The problems cited by 
>> James and echoed by Boris concerning `deepEqual()` are thusly most important 
>> to me[1].
>> Renaming `strictEqual` to `equal`, nuking `strictEqual` from orbit, is more 
>> than fine by me. Or we name it `is`.
>> (As an aside, whilst maintaining my position of not caring about it, I don’t 
>> understand why ‘we’ like an ambiguous term `is` better than `equal`.)
> This is the first time I hear the complaint that 'is' would be ambiguous. 
> This isn't a problem that occurred to me while writing and reviewing tests 
> over the years.

Well, I consider reading it out load in English:

is(foo, bar);

Should it read "is foo [?] to bar?” or “is foo [equal to] bar?” or “is foo 
[strict equal to] bar?” or “… foo [is] bar?”

equal(foo, bar);

Should it read “Are foo and bar equal?”.


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