On Friday, June 6, 2014 6:33:27 PM UTC+2, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> The about:blank document is quite real, sadly...
> I'm not seeing anything obvious that gets fired when we reuse an inner 
> for a new document.  At least nothing obvious in the window code.

>From what I'm seeing, the document object that ends up there (window.document) 
>is not the same one as when DOMWindowCreated is fired. That said, I'm stumped 
>so far as to how to deal with this. Using "beforescriptexecute" is probably a 
>good time to do the stuff I need to do, but I'm afraid of memory leaks since 
>the event handler is a closure with references back to the window. So if I 
>don't remove it and no scripts ever run in that window then the whole thing 
>will probably leak.

I thought about cleaning up when "unload" is fired but it appears to be fired 
for the "about:blank" document as well, so I have no way of knowing whether I 
can clean up or now.

Maybe I can use weak references or something...
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