On 8/19/14 2:11 PM, Neil wrote:
Gregory Szorc wrote:

I think the underlying bug here is "mach mochitest doesn't work for
comm-central." It should. I'm sure there is a bug on file somewhere.

Fair enough, but for when it does work, what's the mach version of
python runtests.py?

mach mochitest? mach mochitest-plain?

Under the scenes mach is using straight Python to construct the mochitest harness/runner and invoke it directly. No extra processes necessary.

You can run |mach mach-debug-commands| to locate where each command is defined in source. Or, load https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/149d3ce6e020/testing/mochitest/mach_commands.py for the mochitest commands.
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