> In general, I'm in favour of not autoplaying at all on mobile devices.
I think I was just trying to address the spec's statement of overriding when 
not desired. I don't want to punish sites that are reading that and trying to 
be good citizens. For instance, <video> elements are actually a good solution 
if you want an animated background on a site, and provide good fallbacks when 
they're disabled. I want to at least discuss making a good faith effort to only 
disable it when necessary. But I won't argue that we can have a perfect 
heuristic for that either (I'm not sure how we know if you're in a library). 
Maybe "phone" is the best we can do for users. Maybe we need to discuss 
disabling audio (from audio or video elements) and video separately?

> Is the concern that disabling autoplay too widely will lead to widespread 
> scripted-autoplay, reducing user control yet further?
My concern is that this may break sites without providing much feedback to them 
about why. I'd like to minimize bustage/confusion for developers, as well as 
doing our best to respect their requests.

> Can you be explicit about the three states of this proposed tri-state pref?
I was thinking something like:
Enabled  - Always works
Disabled - Never works
Dynamic  - Up to UA.

Technically, I'd be fine putting this behind Enabled, but if we want the 
dynamic behaviour behind a pref, it seemed simpler to add it here than to start 
dealing with combinatorials of different prefs.
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