Le 01/10/2014 00:27, Kevin Brosnan a écrit :
Not even close with about 10 minutes searching I found

* https://github.com/mozilla-b2g
* https://github.com/mozilla-services
* https://github.com/mozbrick
* https://github.com/Mozilla-TWQA
* https://github.com/mozillahispano
* https://github.com/mozfr



The last two are the github organizations of our Spanish and French speaking communities. I don't know if Curtis meant Mozilla projects by employees or also projects Mozilla volunteers do.

That said, the l10n-drivers team also has a github org were we store scripts and small apps we use in our day to day work:

I don't think the repo list can be complete as we create code all the time which means new repositories get regularily creates, but maybe the purpose should be to list projects that could benefit from external contributions (and in this case, also maybe list projects in our volunteer communities).


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